PHP Experiments:

This page is generated by echo statements from PHP.

PHP scripting:
Hello world!
Write html in echo statements.
The 0 Fibonacci number is: 1
The 1 Fibonacci number is: 2
The 2 Fibonacci number is: 3
The 3 Fibonacci number is: 5
The 4 Fibonacci number is: 8
The 5 Fibonacci number is: 13
The 6 Fibonacci number is: 21
The 7 Fibonacci number is: 34
The 8 Fibonacci number is: 55
The 9 Fibonacci number is: 89
The 10 Fibonacci number is: 144

Today is Saturday 2024/04/20
Today is 2024.04.20
Today is 2024-04-20
Today is Saturday

4 main sections: 1) intellect [ operates by deconstruction, dissection, reduction ] 2) memory [physical, mental, genetic and karmic] 3) identity [I am (we are) the Cosmos] 4) pure conciousness205

4 main sections:

1) intellect [ operates by deconstruction, dissection, reduction ]
2) memory [physical, mental, genetic and karmic]
3) identity [I am (we are) the Cosmos]
4) pure conciousness

creating text file newfile.txt on server.

The 0 Fibonacci number is: 1 The 1 Fibonacci number is: 2 The 2 Fibonacci number is: 3 The 3 Fibonacci number is: 5 The 4 Fibonacci number is: 8 The 5 Fibonacci number is: 13 The 6 Fibonacci number is: 21 The 7 Fibonacci number is: 34 The 8 Fibonacci number is: 55 The 9 Fibonacci number is: 89 The 10 Fibonacci number is: 144 338

creating webpage newpage.html on server.

Link to dynamically generated page

More JavaScript Experiments: